Thursday, December 31, 2009

Prodigal Son

"When the world ends, both sinners and good people will go to hell. Both unchurched and churched people. Only those saved by grace through Jesus will go to heaven."

Came back from GRACE, a conference in Chicago. The drive was pretty long, but not unbearable. David Choi was the speakers (not the Youtube sensation), and he preached on the prodigal son. I think it really put into perspective the intensity and scandalous-ness of the story when looking at the father's love for both his sons through the eyes of the 1st century listeners. I've always had a hard time understanding/explaining why "good" people would go to hell without Jesus. I mean, some of the unchurched people in the world are morally more upright than some of the Christians. But that's just it, isn't it? Jesus came for the sick, not the healthy. He came for the sinners, not the righteous. Pimps, prostitutes, criminals, murders, adulterers can go to heaven through Jesus but people who donate millions of dollars to charity and volunteer at soup kitchens will not without Jesus because our "good" works are just filth compared to the infinite holiness of our God.

We not only need to repent of our "bad" doings, but also our "good" doings done in our own self-righteousness.

I don't think I've ever heard a small group leader share so openly about their own struggles and sins. Almost scandalous, but more so authentic and transparent. Love it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Looking Back

I recently (5 minutes ago) rediscovered my xanga and was reading through some posts. I realized a couple of things:

1) I wrote SO much better back then, probably due to 4 years of writing english/history essays, and now I haven't written a paper in over a year.

2) I had lots of dreams. Some came true, some didn't. Like how I was going to keep my long distance relationship going. Or how I was going to make amazing new friends at college whom I will be close to. Or how I was going to go to college with my best friend, and come out even better friends because of it, and yet, I barely see/hear from/talk to him now.

3) A lot of my views have changed. I thought going to college for God would get me an automatic in to the spiritual world. Or me "sacrificing" a better college (that's a lie) for Illinois and going to college for God would bring me on better terms with Him. Oh how naive I was. I think I thought I was so mature that I had it all figured out, when in reality, I have next to nothing figured out and didn't even know how to start figuring things out. I think I was more confused back then than I am now, which is progress I guess.

4) I've definitely changed. I was always looking for an easy way out, or a golden standard, or trying to put a positive spin on things. Now, I know some of the depths of my depravity. I've felt hatred turn into murder and lust turn into adultery. I've seen how deeply uncommitted I am to my God. But I've also seen that there is hope for me, hope that God gives from just being faithful. I've learned many things from CFC, about being a Christian.

Looking back, I see that God is good. In all the hard times, he was there. In all the good times, He was and is there. He wants the best for me, for me to experience maximum pleasure in Him, holding everything else back that could hinder me because He just loves me that much. Today I heard a sermon about Christmas and it's meaning. We make it out to be about presents and stress and decorating and partying. But it's really about "glory to God and peace and goodwill onto man". After thousands of years of man trying and failing to reach God, we thought we were goners. We thought God hated us. But Christmas is about God reaching down to us, something no other religion has, and making us know that we are valued and that He loves us. Looking back, I feel loved.