Thursday, August 5, 2010

This Thing Called Grace

Grace is all God and none of me. Grace has nothing to do with what I have done or achieved, but it is a gift given by God. Grace is when God intervenes in your life as you are about to sin, but provides a way out. Grace is God using you even in all your weaknesses, your selfishness, your inability to love, your lack of desire to give your all. Grace is the strength God gives you to wake up, pray, desire for more of Him. Grace is the hunger God gives you for more of Him, a hunger for something to fill you and satisfy you infinitly more than any other pleasures found on this earth. Grace is answered prayers, desperate spirits, broken hearts, all wrapped up in His arms of love. Grace is us not getting what we deserved, but instead getting something we would never ever deserve.

This thing called grace is what carries me every day, even if I don't notice it.