But seeing that I've got a few minutes to spend, I'll come up with a list of things that I've learned thus far, 7 weeks into sophomore year.
- Sophomore year is NOTHING like freshman year. If you thought freshman year was hard/challenging, then please reconsider college, or maybe transfer to an easier one, because it will kick your butt if you think you can just waltz into sophomore year riding on your freshman year glory. Just joking bout the reconsidering college part.
- Afternoon classes are great. You get to sleep in and waste a TON of time trying to get up in the morning. That, and you get to sleep late, like I will be doing today, and not worry about missing class (though one day I slept through both my 1PM and 2PM lectures. Don't know how I did that.)
- Pastor Min's sermons are starting to make sense. I'm not saying that freshman year I didn't understand anything at all, but it was mostly just building up stamina and trying to stay awake during the sermon. This year, it's more about trying to understand the sermon, even if it's just on the surface level.
- When you study organic chemistry, prepare to dive in and give it your all, or just drop the course. If you're not willing to labor on it til the crack of dawn and fail your first test, then you need to reconsider that dream of becoming a doctor. Orgo, though hard, is actually pretty fun. My mother said it's the killer of potential doctors' dreams. I say, yes, but it weed out all the bad ones.
- When you're in a relationship, you learn many things. And one of the things that you have to learn is to go out of your way to make the other person feel comfortable, or to please them. Because it's not just about you. It's never about you. And when it becomes not about you, things become easier. But of course, if your significant other is a selfish, self-absorbed, me-me-me type of person, it doesn't really work out. Because it's not supposed to be about them either. Yeah I know, confusing.
- Morning prayer meetings are great. I actually look forward to going to them this semester, mostly because I see how desperate I am for prayer. The beginning of this semester has really shown me a lot of my struggles within my heart, and I need a lot of prayer for that.
- If you try to serve with a grudging heart, you tend to suck at serving.
- If you let your emotions run and get the best of you, then hating your brother really is murdering him.
- If you are not content with God, then nothing He gives you will satisfy your heart.
- Time flies. So set your mind on eternal things. Because this second is gone, and so is this one, and this minute, and before you know it, 10 minutes has passed and you graduated college and going on to medical school and getting married and having kids and becoming a full fledged doctor and performing surgeries and paying bills and raising kids, and etc., etc.,.